Tom got a chance to show me the town he grew up in, Aurora ,NE, a few weekends ago. It was his grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary, and they still live there. The population there is around 2, 500 so you get the true small-town experience when you stay for a weekend. We took a quick tour so we could see the house Tom grew up in and the town square where his grandparents and parents owned and ran their own shops back in the 80s. It was fascinating...small towns ALWAYS fascinate me. What do people do there? Where do they shop for clothes? Is it really like Friday Night Lights (Tom's mom ensured me that is was)?? Everyone knows each other and even the pastor at church gave Dean and Virginia an anniversary shout-out during the service on Sunday. Besides some good-old fashioned family time, we spent Sunday in York at the famous Chances R brunch, complete with mimosas and slideshow of favorite memories honoring the couple. It was heartwarming to see his grandparents so in love after all these years and I know it meant so much to them to have their growing family all together in Aurora. As his grandpa said, "60 years means nothing without all if
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Tom's first house. Aurora, NE |
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Scrapbook Gift |
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The Morgan Family |
The next weekend was the long-awaited bachelorette party for Jacque in San Antonio. Our flight left pretty darn early on Friday morning, but that didn't stop us from enjoying a few bloody mary's on the flight to get the weekend started...we all needed a vacation! We surprised Jacque with champagne in the hotel upon arrival and we made sure to make a toast to the happy couple before we hit the Riverwalk. We spent the day checking out our surroundings (prrreeettty much a bunch of bars and restaurants) and stopped to have lunch at Barriba Cantina to get in the southwestern mood. The sangria was delicious, the service mediocre. After walking around, we got dolled up for the first night out at Rita's on the River and Coyote Ugly. And after that, I've seen enough girls dance on a bar to last me a lifetime. I would say, what happens in San Antonio stays in San Antonio, buuuuuut that's not exactly true when the night ends with two girls getting tattoos. But what's a bachelorette party without a tattoo, right?
The following day while some slept, a group went on a boat tour on the Riverwalk (don't ask me what they learned, I was one of the sleepers). However, I did wake up in time to walk to the Market Square, which is a lively part of town containing every bandito souvenir your little heart desires. We spent the last night wine tasting, fine-dining, and bottle-servicing at a club on the strip. I think the weekend included everything Jacque had ever wanted in a pre-nuptial party, but many of these things are not appropriate for a PG blog such as this. We definitely made memories that we will never forget!!
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The Riverwalk |
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Everything's bigger in Texas |
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Just an idea of what went on late night in room 1708 |
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The group, the shirts, the ink, the bull! |
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The group! |
In other news...I bought a sewing machine!! I've already sewn a pillow case ALL BY MYSELF. Hey, I never got to take Home Ec, so don't judge me :)
My first Singer |