I write this post on the brink of tears as I think about the finality of today. I submitted my official resignation to the principal at Southwest, effective at the end of the school year. I am happy to be moving forward, but sad to say goodbye. As much as this year was torturous at points--days of meltdowns, disappointment after disappointment--I knew it would never be easy to leave. Many of you reading this know the tragic story of Southwest's demise, so I will spare you the details. But what some of you may not know is how much it breaks my heart to feel that I have no other choice but to walk away. When you pour your heart into something to make a dream a reality, see it unfold in front of your eyes, only to watch it ripped out from under you...it hurts. I couldn't continue to be a part of something that I didn't believe in anymore; it just didn't feel right. A realization made by not only myself, but also my principal and most of my colleagues. Those kids deserve better than what they have been handed. It will be hardest of all to tell them goodbye...
...on a happier note, I will never forget the wonderful memories and life-long relationships that I built in that building. Thank you, Southwest, for teaching me that it is possible to defy the odds of society and giving me the chance to get my hands dirty in the fight for educational equality.
My 6th grade math class 2009-2010 |
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